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BAAND in Pictures
OTHER | Steven Pisano

BAAND in Pictures

For the third year in a row, five of New York City's most iconic dance companies—Ballet Hispánico, Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater, American Ballet Theatre, New York City Ballet, and Dance Theatre of Harlem—joined forces for for the BAAND Together Dance Festival, hosted by Lincoln Center.

A Timeless Rite
OTHER | Lorna Irvine

A Timeless Rite

Superlatives seem useless when making reference to Pina Bausch and her vast legacy. Words seem reductive. 

Back to the Barre
OTHER | Par Sophie Bress

Back to the Barre

The first time I slid on my well-worn Grishko canvas ballet slippers and placed my left hand on the barre after two years away, it felt like a homecoming. There were many other things I expected to feel during that first class: trepidation, perhaps even some embarrassment. But that day I only felt pride—at the fact that my body was still capable of many of the movements I’d spent years perfecting—and joy—at the fact that I was finally practicing them again.

Digital Transformation of Dance
OTHER | Par Sophie Bress

Digital Transformation of Dance

When Covid-19 swept the globe in early 2020, businesses and organizations across the board were left scrambling. The performing arts sector—heavily reliant upon live, in-person events for revenue—was left with a void, both artistically and financially. This resulted in a rapid shift to digital content in an effort to remain viable. Now, after over a year of modified and predominantly virtual programming, Fjord Review takes a look back to analyze how dance companies pivoted to adjust to a new reality.

Behind the Lens
OTHER | Par Penelope Ford

Behind the Lens

Many will know Ethan Watts as a dancer with the National Ballet of Canada, but few may know he is a keen photographer. Watts joined us on the set of our upcoming video for Fjord Review #2 at the invitation of Karolina Kuras, to capture the action and ambience of the shoot. Watts photographs exclusively with film. His pictures show not only a trained dancer's eye, but a clear instinct for catching the moment.

Fjord Review #2
OTHER | Par Penelope Ford

Fjord Review #2

We are thrilled to announce the launch of our second printed edition Fjord Review #2! Contributed to by our brilliant cohort of writers, FR #2 is 160 pages of pure dance, in a totable, perfect-bound book, printed sustainably by carbon-offset certified printers Hemlock. We've stepped it up for FR#2 and will be releasing an incredible video in conjunction with this edition.

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