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While we are predominantly a commission-based publication, we do accept unsolicited pitches. If you would like to submit a review or article to Fjord Review, please contact us with an outline in the body of a brief email, stating:
a) the idea and category (review, feature, interview, essay);
b) how the article will interest Fjord readers.
Please include links to your previously published work, and as a courtesy do not send the pitch to any other publications while being considered by us. We endeavour to reply to all pitches as soon as possible. Note that our budget for unsolicited submissions is limited. Please contact us with pitches here.
Dance Reviews
If you would like us to review your work or company, please contact us with details of the work, company and location of performance. We do our best to review as broadly as possible, and while it is not possible in all cases, we do appreciate hearing from you.