The last work I saw of yours was “Weathering,” (April 2023, New York Live Arts), which I loved. Does it relate to this latest commission for Beach Sessions?
We've been touring “Weathering” a fair amount since then, which has been great. It’s interesting because there is a relationship between “Weathering” and “Oceanic Feeling” because “Weathering” was a culmination of years and decades of certain practices and thinking that all came together. That work is thinking so much about how we propose ourselves as in process—as opposed to being inside a weather system, worried and trying to control it or make it better—that we're just with every breath. So some of those same practices are moving into this site, where there's a much more direct relationship to the elements, to sand, to showing up to rehearsal on an extremely windy day, and figuring out how to be with that.
Eight of the ten cast members from “Weathering” are in this, and another eight folks that I haven't worked with are also part of the cast. It's really great to have the people who I have the history and shorthand with to help me transmit some of the ideas to a newer group of people.
Has this commission been a good opportunity for having a larger cast?
In fact, I kind of scaled down. Initially, when I was talking to Sasha, I was like, “let's do 100,” because in thinking about the beach, how overwhelming and stimulating it is, how endless the horizon is, the scale is so vast that you would need a scale of humans as vast to be able to meet it or collaborate with it. And I've noticed that the crowds that come to Beach Sessions can be large. If you don't know what's going on, the crowd itself looks like the thing that's going on. So that's what I was thinking about. But budgets are real [laughter] and so we scaled back, but still, it's a much larger cast than I am ever typically able to work with.
Is this the first time you are working in a natural setting like this?
I've done work that's inside museum spaces, inside galleries, but I haven't really sat with a site like this. What wants to come forth here, what's needed here? What does it mean to be in this performative state here? What are all the choreographies already happening all the time? Being able to be close to the ocean and its mysterious power and destruction-creation energy, I feel like some of what I'm working on is attempting to tilt and direct and outline the elements. Like, look at these bodies, these architectures throughout this vast space, so that you see where we are more.