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Do Not Dance
OPINION | Cecilia Whalen

Do Not Dance

In 1936, Martha Graham was invited by the Nazi-controlled German Ministry of Culture to perform at the Olympic Games in Berlin. Courageously, Graham refused: “I would find it impossible to dance in Germany at the present time. So many artists whom I respect and admire have been persecuted, have been deprived of the right to work for ridiculous and unsatisfactory reasons, that I should consider it impossible to identify myself, by accepting the invitation, with the regime that has made such things possible.”

What does feminism in ballet look like?
OPINION | Di Lea Marshall

What does feminism in ballet look like?

I would like to speak about power. Not the power of a choreographer (famous or not) in the dance studio, which has been analyzed and discussed exhaustively and to useful effect here and here and here, among many other places, but the power of a respected critic in America’s leading newspaper. As the New York Times’s dance critic, Gia Kourlas writes about dance evocatively, skillfully, and yet, in the case of her April 5 Critic’s Notebook, “Finding Freedom and Feminism in Ballet. (It’s Possible.),” with a bias so profound that the piece reads as if we are living in the upside-down....

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